Registrations are open!

Registartions for African regional Workshop 2024 are open (upon invitation)

Registrations are open!
About the EU-CORSIA Africa and Caribbean
The Capacity building for CO2 mitigation from international aviation (Phase II) project (short EU CORSIA Africa and Caribbean) is funded by the European Commission and implemented by both the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to contribute primarily to the progressive achievement of SDG Goal 13 – Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
The EU CORSIA Africa and Caribbean action overall objective is to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from the civil aviation sector.
Initiated in December 2019, the project is set for a duration of approx. 2 years (2019-2021) with EU funds of 5 Million EUR.
After a first inception phase that had to be temporarily stopped due to the pandemic in 2020, the inception phase resumed in April 2021 and the project has been extended to cover additional 2 years, until 12 January 2024.
Current Project Activities
To register (upon invitation) click on the event
General and regional activities:
African regional workshop CORSIA Implementation after ICAO 41st General Assembly. Registration is OPEN
Country based activities:
Opportunities and advantages for an accreditation body offering the scope of “Validation et verification” according to the ISO/IEC 17029 and ISO 14065 standards and CORSIA sub scope. Registration is OPEN
A list of all past events and activities is available for consultation, contact the project team through the contacts section of this site
Latest News
ICAO virtual seminar on Sustainable Aviation Fuels and CORSIA, 12 April 2022
Register until 8th of April! Here
Don't miss the ICAO/EASA Strengthening Regional Cooperation Conference on the 20 January 2022: registration is open!
Please click here for more information from the European Commission on COVID-19
EASA upgrades its website, offering dedicated area for passengers and notifications for users. More info
European Industry and Regulators Unite to Provide a Roadmap for Zero Emissions Aviation.
See the latest webinar ICAO on how to “Reduce the environmental footprint of aviation”
See the ICAO CORSIA official website
The project is funded by the European Union DG INTPA
and implemented by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency