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EU-CORSIA Workshop on 21-23 September 2021




A letter of invitation has been distributed to the interested countries and the registration is closing on the 19 September .


Please find here the:

  • agenda

  • registration link (to be used with the access code received in the invitation) 

  • questionnaire for the evaluation of the needs (to be sent whenever filled in to us)



Please ignore the notification you will see at the end of the booking on this page: if you receive an email confirming your booking, you are correctly registered.


In case you didn't receive the booking confirmation via email or encountered troubles in the registration process, do not hesitate to contact us.


The project is funded by the European Union DG INTPA

and implemented by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency

The EU funded Action “Capacity building for CO2 mitigation from international aviation in Africa and the Caribbean“ offers an online workshop on 


Monitoring, reporting and verification methodologies and data collection tools

21-23 September 2021 (1400-1800 CET)



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