Opportunities and advantages for an accreditation body offering the scope of validation and verification according to the ISO/IEC 17029 and ISO 14065 standards and CORSIA sub scope
January 16th- 18th, 2023
Radisson Blu Hotel, Nairobi Upper Hill, Nairobi, Kenya

This session aimed at raising the knowledge and understanding of aviation’s climate change impacts and related policy measures, including the opportunities and advantages for Kenya in launching the ISO 14065 scheme as a standalone scheme and/or as propaedeutic to the CORSIA sub scope. Indeed, as part of the project support, EASA has been working with all CORSIA affected stakeholders to allow them familiarising with the opportunities offered and created by CORSIA.
Verification is one of the critical components of the CORSIA system as it is aimed at safeguarding the quality of the reported information and data.
The National Accreditation Body-NAB- plays a critical role in the CORSIA implementation process. Indeed, the NAB is responsible for the accreditation of verification bodies in charge of conducting annual verification of the Emissions Report and in the future of Emissions Units Cancellation Report of an aeroplane operator according to ISO 14064-3-2019 and relevant requirements as ruled in ICAO, SARPs, Annex 16, volume 4, appendix 6, Section 3.
To be eligible to conduct verification under CORSIA, the verification body shall be accredited to ISO 17029/2019 and 14065:2020 and meet specific requirements.
The national accreditation body, working following ISO/IEC 17011:2011-Conformity assessment -Requirements for accreditation bodies accrediting conformity assessment bodies-, shall conduct an on-site assessment of the competencies of the VB (knowledge and skills) through i) an office assessment and ii) a representative witness assessment to understand the documented procedures of the candidate VB as well as the plan/capacity of the VB to carry out verification activities under CORSIA.
Kenya joint already CORSIA from the voluntary phase and KENAS, as the NAB of Kenya, has already received some requests of interest from its clients both towards CORSIA and the GHG scheme. The 3-day workshop on Opportunities and advantages for an accreditation body offering the scope of “Validation et verification” according to the ISO/IEC 17029 and ISO 14065 standards and CORSIA subscope is expected to strengthen the knowledge and processes of KENAS, potentially materialising in the successful accreditation of VVBs in Kenya during the second half of 2023.