CORSIA in 2024: what’s next?
Opportunities, challenges and actions for the State Authorities, Airplane Operators, the National Accreditation Bodies and the Verification Bodies.
May 14th- 15th- 16th 2024
Elilly International Hotel Kazanchis, Kirkos Subcity 17/18, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
DAY 1: Aimed at presenting the novelties for all CORSIA-affected parties with a special focus on new AO templates and standards for NAB and VB. Experience from KENAS and ongoing work with SOAC.
DAY 2: Aimed at presenting Offsetting part and CORSIA-eligible emissions units.
DAY 3: AeDMS. Presentation of a real AeDMS under full production​.
. Senior officers from Civil Aviation Authority/Department of Civil Aviation working with CORSIA
. representative of Ministry of Transport and/ or Environment directly involved in the CORSIA implementation
. CORSIA focal point in Airline Operators
. CORSIA Assessors in the NBA
. NAB representatives working with certification/validation/verification
. potential candidate VVB to be nominated by the NAB
. SAF technology providers and SAF producers
. all the significant counterparts involved in the CORSIA implementation in your country

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